Sunday, July 23, 2006

The word of the day is....


Here's the story. Yesterday I was on my computer, doing.... I can't remember what was I doing. Anyway, Tyler came to the appartment with 8 friends, and we all started playing "The Paper Game". In it, everybody writes a sentence in a piece of paper, and gives it to the person next to them. That person draws a picture of the sentence (literally), folds the paper so the original sentence can't be seen, and then passes it again to the next person, which in turn has to make a sentence for the drawing, fold the paper so the drawing can't be seen, pass it around.... etc, until you get your original piece of paper back. Then everybody reads their original sentence, followed by all the modifications it suffered. Some of them get really funny =P.

After that they left and I had some dinner. I catched up with them in Ana's appartment (one of the girls that came and that I didn't know), where I found them watching Aladdin. We finished the movie, had some home-baked cookies =D, and then started playing Monopoly. First, I must say that it has been the longest Monopoly/Turist/similar-game I've ever played. We almost finished it ¬¬.

After about 2 and a half hours of playing, we were only Arie, Ana and me left (we made a partnership against Arie). We had most of the properties, but Arie's luck kept him going into "Chance"/"Community Chest" spots (those were you pick a card from a bunch of them in the middle), and Jail (were he couldn't move, so it has beneficial for him since he couldn't land in our properties and thus didn't pay us ¬¬). I discovered later in the game why were we losing our money so fast. There were 2 of us rolling the dice and we both payed when we got into Arie's properties, while he only payed once ¬¬. So we decided to keep my player only, which was a blue alligator, and Ana put the pink one next to it as part of the same player.

We had to mortgage properties in order to keep paying Arie, and finally at about 3 in the morning, Ana decided that we should farkle for the game.

I thought.... "wtf is farkle?", and I asked in a nicer way about it ("what" instead of "wtf" =P). They told me it was: "playing rock/paper/scissors for something".

They have a VERB for playing rock/paper/scissors =S. It reminded me of my German classes, because they have a verb for "playing dice"..... weird people.

So, we farkled for the game... and Arie won =(. Damn.


"Alex is a new contemporary spyware monitor, detection and removal application"

Yes! I can do that =D. I've done it so many times that I've become good at it. I won't do it remotely, it's too complicated to keep telling people where should they look for it, what kind of files to remove, what to do if they supposedly can't be removed (reboot and start in Safe Mode)...... clean the registry..... na, it has to be done on-site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jajajaja.... de hecho lo has hecho en mi compu... aun sigo sin carpeta system32.... pero fijate que no hace tanta falta como uno pudiera pensar, jajajaja

ser pequeña te hace ser user-friendly.