Thursday, July 27, 2006

New writing needs

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, I need Deibid's time to post everything I want to now.....

Ok, lets see.

I was talking with Rafa some minutes ago, about a "contraption" (jijiji) that appeared on some science/tech-websites. A minute of chatting revealed the obvious logic chain of events that finished with the idea of the creation of this contraption, and here it is:

Mankind needs to write. It has been a necessity ever since it was invented I-don't-remember-how-much years ago. Now, we're facing some serious global problems like overpopulation,
global warming, envionmental disasters, my left sock is different from my right one, I'm getting a headache, etc etc... This means that natural resources won't be as abundant in the future. So what will happen with writing? Where will we write?!?!?! (btw, actually right now I'm not wearing socks =P..... and I rarely get headaches. But it WOULD be a global problem anyway if it happened.)

Thinking that we will sooner or later finish off the entire tree-population in the planet, some taka-taka (japanese) scientists started to think about new methods for writing. Paper is no more, since there are no more trees, so what other options do we have? Rocks? Of which there are SO many? NO! Who would be so stupid as to think of that right?

These guys went beyond that.... They chose WATER. The obvious reason, is that since there are no more trees, we have tons of water that they don't need anymore ;). Obvious, isn't it? Here's the link.

On other topic, I'm happy with my U3 USB Drive =D. I can install U3 software on it (a version of Firefox for instance), and Portable Applications as well, meaning I really get to work in MY preferred environment anywhere I go as long as I can plug an USB Drive in there. OpenOffice + Firefox (with the appropiate extensions)... what else could I need?

Again on another topic, I ran into TiddlyWiki earlier this afternoon. Its the same idea of a Wiki, BUT, all integrated into a single HTML file, using LOTS of JavaScript and CSS (DHTML maybe? I can't remember). Especially to JC, Gizmo, Deibid, Gabo, I suggest you check it out (use the GettingStarted link in the menu on the left, it is a little hard to understand the first time). This is probably the most innovative idea I've seen lately, and I really liked it. There's lot of real-life sites (most of them personal though) that have been created with TiddlyWiki. It can also work as a "simple" blog.

PS: I'm starting to understand the theory behind DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread-Spectrum) Communications =D.


(This time I'll change "Alex is" for "Villa is")

"Villa is available for daily, weekly or monthly rentals."

See girls, no need to fight ;).

(.................................... *sniff*)

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